
The Staten Island Alliance is dedicated to improving the social, emotional and academic outcomes for children of Staten Island, New York’s North Shore community.

Making a Difference

The Staten Island Alliance was formed in September 2016 with the goal of improving the well-being of children ages birth to eight years old in the North Shore community of Staten Island.

Our coalition of parents, educators, residents, healthcare professionals, community organizations, including local, city and state government agencies utilized their experience to establish a common agenda of items to address. After much consideration, our members determined four areas of focus that are key to improving outcomes for our children.

Our Mission

By 2022 The Staten Island Alliance will improve the overall well being of children ages birth through eight years old in the North Shore Community of Staten Island.

Collective Impact

Collective Impact

Working together to make progress

In order to best utilize the knowledge base and resources of Staten Island Alliance’s stakeholders we utilize the collective impact method of collaboration.

This approach is a structured method of bringing multiple organizations together to achieve the common goal of social change. Unlike a standard collaboration or partnership, collective impact groups have a centralized infrastructure, with dedicated staff who role is to help participating organizations shift from acting alone, to acting together.

The North Shore Spotlight

The North Shore of Staten Island is home to one of the most rich and diverse populations in New York City. The North Shore Spotlight is a place for us to showcase the exemplary teachers, staff, students, and community members that contribute to our organization’s success.

Would you like to join our cause?

SI Alliance © 2018

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